Gametrix is a cloud-based SaaS growth platform for video games. It allows gaming companies, game developers, and all game publishers to see in-depth proprietary data and metrics of their PC, console, and Web3 games.


Gametrix is a cloud-based SaaS growth platform for video games. It allows gaming companies, game developers, and all game publishers to see in-depth proprietary data and metrics of their PC, console, and Web3 games.

It is a metric system that drives revenue for all game publishers by showcasing a better understanding of how their games perform amongst their target market, on social streaming platforms, with content creators, and in different communities with the power of analytics and insights.

80 hours


Sole UX/UI Designer


Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop


Gaming & Social Media Industry


It is a metric system that allocates rigorous data to game publishers showcasing a better understanding of how their games perform amongst their target market, on social media streaming platforms, amongst content creators, and in the gaming industry altogether with the power of comprehensive analytics and insights.

Gametrix - Gametrix - Gametrix - Gametrix - Gametrix -
The inspiration

As a gamer, I noticed a recurring problem...

I was constantly having a hard time finding good recommendations on Google than on the platforms I purchase games from.

Then it hit me. If, as a consumer, I have a hard time finding a game, doesn't that mean game developers have a harder time reaching their audiences?

...And what about streamers? How are they finding new games to stream?

Real-world example of product demand

The gaming industry is at the top of its game right now, and in turn, growth engine systems for video games are a successful business that is being funded by millions of dollars today.

Game publishers and game developers are not given thorough enough KPI data when they publish their games on a game-purchasing platform such as Steam, Epic Games, etc. This has led to a whole demographic of game publishers being left unsatisfied and unsure of how they can improve their games and marketing strategies to lead to further revenue.

Streamers are often viewed as stepping stones for streaming companies, given just enough metrics on their performance. As a streamer myself, I find this frustrating.

The opportunity to create a product that solves the problem of not having in-depth metrics for the gaming industry, which desperately needs them, and helps individuals often overlooked in the gaming industry arose. And with those entities in mind, the research for Gametrix began.

The gaming industry in 2023 is worth...

Research for guaranteed success

The research goals were:

  1. Discover which specific metrics from game-purchasing platforms helped game publishers’ games grow and which metrics hindered their growth process.
  2. Determine the pain points for game content creators and influencers and what metrics they feel they missed out on from streaming platforms.
Marketing analysis

The research investigates metrics and performance insights game developers and game publishers receive after posting their games on game-purchasing platforms.

Market research was carried out on Gametrix's direct and indirect competitors to optimize the user experience for Gametrix.

Direct competitors

Steamworks, itch.io, and Apple's App Store were the top direct competitors.

These competitors are game-purchasing platforms, and they were analysed in six different metric categories:

  • Game publishing price
  • Player engagement data
  • Revenue data
  • Overall growth and game development
  • User interface and user experience

Indirect competitors

Social Blade and Google Analytics were the top indirect competitors.

Social Blade is an online platform that provides analytics and statistics for various social media platforms and content creators.

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google that helps website owners and marketers track, measure, and analyse various aspects of website and app performance.

These competitors are sole metric-analysing platforms, and they were analysed in four different metric categories:

  • Pricing and plans
  • Revenue
  • Social media metrics
  • Overall growth and game development
What were their strengths, and which ones were implemented into Gametrix?

Direct competitors:

  • Steamworks has 70,000 games published and displays great incentives to use their platform, such as the $100 annual publish fee to be recouped once the game grosses $1000.
  • Itch.io has over 200,000 games published and displays graphical data showing how many people are playing the game, and it is free to publish a game.
  • Apple's App Store has 330,000 games published and displays great player engagement metrics like the number of user installs, the number of play sessions, and how many times users have opened the app.

Indirect competitors:

  • Social Blade displayed great longevity data for growth and development in social media, including a channel's number of views, engagement metrics, yearly earnings, and assumptions about the average revenue generated per thousand views (CPM).
  • Google Analytics displayed great, customizable dashboard and reports

Some strengths seen from competitors that were implemented were:

  • Leaderboards for games.
  • Geographical ROI metrics
  • Customizable dashboards and reports for different users
What were competitors' weaknesses, and what was learned from them?

Direct competitors:

  • Steamworks has no form of game performance metrics across social media platforms and not thorough enough market data.
  • Itch.io has poor ROI metrics, and although it's free for publishers to use, they take 10% of each sale.
  • Apple's App Store has no form of game performance metrics across social media platforms and an annual publishing fee some developers may be unable to afford.

Indirect competitors:

  • Social Blade's data is based on estimates from public information. It may not be 100% accurate.
  • Google Analytics relies on JavaScript tracking code to collect data. This means that users who have JavaScript disabled or use ad blockers can impact data accuracy and completeness.

Some weaknesses seen in competitors that were avoided were:

  • There are no social media metrics.
  • Social Blade's data is based on estimates from public information. It may not be 100% accurate.
  • There are no specific metrics telling game developers different ways to improve their actual game development.
What were the key takeaways from the marketing analysis?

Direct competitors:

  • Steamworks' submission and review system for game publishers to finally publish their games is a long process. This is something that can be simplified and improved in Gametrix.
  • Itch.io would benefit from a better UX/UI design that would help navigation on their platform. This is something Gametrix will learn from for our user experience.
  • Apple's App Store would benefit from a better UX/UI design that would help navigation on their platform. This is something Gametrix will learn from for our user experience.

Indirect competitors:

  • Social Blade's method of providing metrics for various platforms for content creators is something that will be implemented in Gametrix.
  • Google Analytics' method of providing a free version is something that should be implemented for Gametrix to some extent.
User interviews

A series of in-depth interviews were then conducted to further identify pain points, frustrations, needs, and desires with existing tools in the gaming market and determine how we could improve our users' experience.

To understand, we interviewed users who:

  • Have shipped games on top platforms: Steam, itch.io, and Apple's iOS App Store.
  • Are gaming content creators or influencers who stream on platforms that provide metrics for their content: Twitch and Kick.
I interviewed 5 game developers with shipped games and 5 gaming content creators/influencers.

Here's what they had to say...
— Game developer with published game on Steam
There are no KPIs to measure growth and engagement for my game. I have to use social media followers and wish lists.
— Game developer with published game on iOS
When customers access my game from a third-party link or platform, I'm not shown where specifically they came from.
— Partnered Twitch Streamer
I'm not given any metrics for comparisons on which games I stream perform better than others.


80% of users expressed concerns about how unreliable metrics platforms are and how they're only able to access important data on a desktop.


65% of users felt the data on how long either a viewer watched their stream or how long a user played their game could be more thorough.

ROI Calculations

100% of users mentioned the limitation on metrics reflecting ROI, resulting in a lack of financial understanding of their work and missed decision-making based on those facts.


80% of users were frustrated with the networking infrastructure; there is a limited opportunity for sponsored partnerships amongst all user groups to further monetize their work.

Dashboard mockup
100% of users would be willing to use Gametrix.
POV & HMW Statements

After gathering insights about Gametrix users' characteristics, goals, needs, and pain points directly from the source, their needs were refined into point-of-view reflections and "how might we" questions to better understand how to solve them.

POV Statement

As an independent gaming developer, I’d like to use a platform that provides good metrics for social media for my game.

How might we ensure that our gaming influencer users are given different forms of social media metrics and not the general ones they are used to?

Answer: Integrating key metrics from primary social media platforms and keeping Gametrix current by incorporating newly emerging apps and websites.

POV Statement

As a corporate company, I’d like to use a KPI platform to analyze not just the information about our games in the past but our games’ future trajectory.

How might we show our game publisher users past data and also future projections on things that can happen with publisher’s games in the future?

Answer: Gametrix updates as they are happening.

POV Statement

As an independent gaming developer, I want my KPIs to feel tailored to my game, and I want to see relevant information.

How might we provide real-time and customizable dashboards to give developers instant access to the most relevant and important metrics for their games?

Answer: Gametrix's UI features customizable widgets, game category metrics, and summarizes key takeaways for different game categories.

User research-inspired added features

Based on research from the market analysis, these were the features that would bring the best user experience.


Gametrix is updated in real-time to the cloud; as long as you have internet access, you are connected, with no-nonsense access to information.

Influencer CRM

With the Client Relationship Management feature, game publishers, and gaming content creators influencers have access to engage with each other to build advertisement partnerships! These relationships lead to sponsored content making it a win/win for both parties ROI.

Customizable dashboard

A completely customizable dashboard with a Kanban board full of editable widgets lets you see only the most important data relevant to you.

Live chatbot

A 24/7 chatbot to help answer any support requests for all users.

User personas

Three main user personas emerged out of the research and interviews that would best benefit from using Gametrix.

  • Very independent; usually wears a lot of hats
  • Entrepreneurial spirits
  • Strong technical skills and attention to detail
  • Creating personal and meaningful games with reflection
  • Building a community of dedicated users that will support all future projects
  • Recognition, accolades, and proper discoverability for their games
  • Access to metrics with an emphasis on social media analytics to excel in their game's reach, as they are most likely their game's marketing team as well as developer
  • Opportunity for targeted, efficient marketing of their games
  • Direct means of communication with their growing community to ensure their needs are being met
Pain Points
  • Independent push and marketing of products
  • Budget constraints
  • Lack of access to mass marketing in the crowded video game marketplace
corporate gaming companies
  • Very reliable financial resources
  • Global reach and distribution due to established place in the gaming industry
  • Long-term business strategies and tactics that guarantee improvement of each game release
  • Creating satisfying games for users that increase revenue and profitability
  • Long-term strategic alliances with brands, influencers, and other industry stakeholders to expand reach within their companies and new markets
  • Player engagement and user retention to ensure new and familiar users play each game released
  • Access to dignified, varied metrics that show direct ROIs and proof of sales to stakeholders and investors
  • Require presentation channels to reach out to game testers across different game platform stores and console manufacturers, ensuring accessibility to their games across various platforms and countries to acquire feedback
  • In-depth consumer insights to impact marketing, monetization, and game development strategies
Pain Points
  • Navigating high levels of player feedback, reviews, and community concerns and using the information to iterate present and future games
  • Competing with other large companies with established market presence
  • Keeping up with current gaming industry trends
gaming influencers & content creators
  • Passionate about their chosen gaming niches
  • Adaptable and flexible in staying up-to-date with trends, algorithms, and features
  • Discovering and playing popular games to create content that will grow channel(s) and their brand
  • Growing a community of consistent and growing viewer
  • In-depth information on trending games to create content with
  • Targeted efficient marketing strategies of their content to reflect good engagement, stable viewership, and earn partnerships with gaming companies for sponsorship deals
  • Direct access and communication with their supporters to ensure their communities' wants are being met
Pain Points
  • Time management with creating content, even where they are unmotivated and their content KPIs aren't where they want them to be
  • Lack of direct network opportunities with gaming companies for deals or sponsorships unless they are contacted first
  • Limited means and connections for handling the legal concerns associated with streaming and producing content using brands' licensed intellectual property

This is the sitemap created for Gametrix's prototyping process.

Task flows

Now that Gametrix has its target users, I drafted up how they would use our platform.

This is the task flow created for Gametrix's prototyping process. It is from the POV of a campaign manager signing a new gaming content creator/influencer to a new sponsored partnership deal to stream a specific game.

Low-fidelity wireframes

These are the low-fidelity wireframes created from the task flow.

UI kit

The goal of Gametrix's design system was consistency with uniquely crafted iconography, reusable components, a balanced colour theme, and seamless typography.

Light Mode
Dark Mode
Colour palette
Usability testing

Gathering insights I got users to test the high-fidelity prototypes to receive feedback.

After feedback from Gametrix users, the following iterations were made for a better user experience.

4/5 of users felt that the top part of the dashboard was too busy and the information was repetitive.


This is the dashboard page before iterations.


Better usage of whitespace, better use of imagery on widgets.

3/5 of users had a hard time reading the information on the influencer cards.


This is the influencer search page before iterations.


Better usage of hierarchy, made typography bigger, darker colours for easier readability, added a filter to view search results, added the total number of influencers found filtering clarification and flattering button colours.


These are key features for Gametrix.

Fly to the right

Customizable dashboard with dark & light mode

Depending on your workflow or vibe, change your theme to better suit you.

Fly to the left

Manage campaigns

As a campaign manager or game developer, review our partnered influencers for opportunities to create sponsored partnerships and advertisements for your game to grow!

Fly left & right

Easy Management

The all-in-one growth platform for game developers and gaming corporations influencers to grow their PC, console, and web3 games.

Reflections & next steps

As I completed Gametrix, these are the things I've learned.


To summarize, this was my favourite project because it was something that I am very passionate about, which is gaming. It allowed me to explore the gaming world, fuse it with thorough user research, and create a user interface that my user personas could resonate with and solve their problems. I was satisfied with the feedback given by the real game developers, especially.

With the experience, revisions improved in my prototype stages, eliminating unnecessary things and extenuating the key features like the search page. As a streamer, I was very satisfied with this project and learned how to make a great growth platform for video games, and I’m excited to explore more.



In an industry as complex as gaming, a lot of success relies heavily on community interaction and personalized experiences. Gamers are very noble and will take your product into their community and expand it organically if they like it. Because of such complexities, user research was extremely highlighted.

The next steps with the limited time for this project, would've been a lot more user interviews with more diverse age groups, widening the lens of the community.



The flow that was designed focused more on our game developer/publisher user personas. The next design process would focus more on our corporate gaming companies' user personas. I would have loved to explore what the dashboard would look like from the perspective of a campaign manager at Electronic Arts, for example, gathering insights about their games from the game's leaderboard. I would have loved to design this if given more time on this project.

Test Gametrix prototype
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